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PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) PRP (platelet rich plasma) is the treatment to regrow the miniaturized hairs and so in terms increase the volume of hairs. It’s a very effective treatment for hair loss. Patient selecting criteria is very important before PRP (platelet rich plasma) treatment for hair loss. The most common cause of hair loss both in male and female is androgenic alopecia more than fifty percent suffer hair loss due to this at some point in their life. Before PRP (platelet rich plasma) patient is advised to stop medication especially non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs .A day before procedure he is strictly advised not to take alcohol and coffee. The Day of procedure after giving the local anesthesia venous blood is taken and than centrifuge. PRP (platelet rich plasma) is than extracted and after activation injected into the area. PRP (platelet rich plasma) is now a days have become an essential part of hair transplant surgery specially. PRP (platelet rich pl
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Hair Stem Cell Transplantation In Bangladesh

HASCI Hair Transplantation Method Hair Transplantation Method or Hair Stem Cell Transplantation (HST) is a patented and sophisticated hair treatment that multiplies hair follicles. A hair stem cell transplant does not remove the entire hair follicle. Instead, several hair stem cells are left in the donor area to stimulate regrowth. Advantages: Multiple transplants can be performed in a single donor area No scarring Painless treatment In This method only a portion of the hair follicle and the stem cells it contains is removed, the remaining and transplanted stem cells stimulate new hair growth in a matter of weeks. The remaining and transplanted hair stem cells generate the same quality hair as the existing hairs. The final result can be seen after a full hair growth cycle of nine months. How does hair stem cell transplantation work? Studies carried out by doctor and researchers found that several new hairs can be produced using only part of the hair stem